Welcome to OpenBike's documentation
OpenBike is an open source bikesharing stack. It helps you to provide a modern, 24/7, (web)app based rental service for bikes and other vehicles. It includes open hardware for tracking devices attached to your bikes and provides adapter services for integrating different tracking and lock solutions.
We aim to make our documentation as up to date, usable and complete as possible. We want you to be able understand, use, run, and improve OpenBike. That said, documentation is never finished, and rarely perfect. If there is anything unclear or missing in our documentation, we'd be happy if you'd let us know.
Documentation structure
You want to install and maintain OpenBike on your own server? Read about different ways to set things up.
You want to operate your own OpenBike based bikesharing? We've got you covered, with all the things we've learned.
You want to just rent a bike? Look here for information how this works with OpenBike based systems.
You want to contribute to OpenBike, either to fix bugs, or to introduce that feature you're missing? Setup instructions and helpful instructions are over here.
A list of everything in our documentation. Don't forget to let us know if you can't find something!
Project information
The OpenBike source code is available in multiple repositories on GitHub, where you can also find the issue tracker for each part. The documentation is available at docs.openbike.dev.
OpenBike is published under the terms of the MIT License. The primary maintainers of this project are organized in the transportkollektiv, a collective of transit and open data interested people.
An example deployment, which also was used while development, was available from 2019 to 2022 in the City of Ulm, Germany.
If you'd like to contribute to OpenBike, you are most welcome! We have written a little about how to get started here.