
OpenBikes components, especially the ttn tracker adapters, provide monitoring endpoints at /metrics. There you find values in the text format understood by monitoring tools like Prometheus.


For installation of Prometheus see the official installation documentation. They provide pre-compiled binaries working on many distributions, sometimes your distributions package repository also contains relatively current versions.

Example prometheus configuration:

  scrape_interval:     15s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds.
  evaluation_interval: 15s # By default, evaluate rules every 15 seconds.

  - job_name: cykel-ttn
      - targets: ['localhost:9000']
  - job_name: cykel-ttn-wifi
      - targets: ['localhost:9003']

For each different tracker adapter, you need to add another scrape job. In the example above we’re using the easy static_configs for the list of hostname and port of the adapters, but you can also use more advanced stuff like the file_sd_configs or runtime based service discovery for docker swarm or kubernetes. Read the Prometheus Configuration Documentation if you want to know more about these.


For displaying the monitored values (e.g. battery levels) we’re using Grafana with the Prometheus data source. Grafana is also available as package for your distribution, standalone linux binary or in your distributions repository. See the Grafana download page for more details where to get and how to install.

After installing and running through the first-use assistant, you can create your own dashboards with panels.

One panel for displaying battery levels has these settings:

Type: Line Chart
Metric: tracker_battery_volts
Legend: {{device_id}}
Left Y Axis Unit: Volt (V)

You can bring even more details in your charts, feel free to experiment and share them in this documentation.


For monitoring and graphing or displaying a dashboard, Prometheus and Grafana are all you need. If you want to be notified, you also need the Alertmanager.

Example additions to your prometheus configuration if you want to be notified:

  - "cykel.rules.yml"

    - path_prefix: '_alert'
      - targets: ['localhost:9093']

The rules on which alerts are triggered are placed in their own rule_files. For example, we’re using rules based on these to get notified if trackers have low battery levels or if they didn’t send their location for a longer time.

- name: cykel
  - alert: TrackerLowBattery
    expr: tracker_battery_volts < 3.3
      severity: warning
      area: battery
      summary: "Low Battery on Tracker {{ $labels.device_id }}"
      description: "Tracker {{ $labels.device_id }} has low battery voltage: {{ $value }} V"
  - alert: TrackerCriticalBattery
    expr: tracker_battery_volts < 3.05
      severity: critical
      area: battery
      summary: "Critical Battery on Tracker {{ $labels.device_id }}"
      description: "Tracker {{ $labels.device_id }} has critical battery voltage: {{ $value }} V"
  - alert: TrackerLastUpdate45mAgo
    expr: time() - tracker_last_data_update > 60 * 45
      severity: info
      area: uplink
      summary:  "Last Update of Tracker {{ $labels.device_id }} more than 45m ago"
      description: "Tracker {{ $labels.device_id }} last reported {{ humanizeDuration $value }} ago"
  - alert: TrackerLastUpdate2hAgo
    expr: time() - tracker_last_data_update > 60 * 60 * 2
      severity: warning
      area: uplink
      summary: "Last Update of Tracker {{ $labels.device_id }} more than 2h ago"
      description: "Tracker {{ $labels.device_id }} last reported {{ humanizeDuration $value }} ago"

Where these alerts are delivered is configured in the Alertmanager configuration. Have a look into their documentation for the different alert receivers (like Slack, Pagerduty) and how to configure them. Even more receivers are listed in the Integrations Documentation.